Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog update

Reading Under the Moonlight Blog Update 

Hi every one thanks for taking the time to read this. I will be posting any news I have on blog updates like this one so keep your eyes out maybe next time I post one it will be about a giveaway.

Today's update has to do with my posting:

So I got a new job which is awesome for my money issues but not so much for the blog. My work hours are killer I'm working from 6A.M to 6P.M Monday-Wednesday and every other Sunday. By the time I get home on those days I'm so tired it's really hard to blog or read. If I log into my computer I can barely have enough energy to read my mail and so until I get used to this schedule I will only be posting on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays I will try to pre-write other post so that on the other days I can have blog posts.  My reading has taken a hit as well I'm trying to get some reading in my lunch time at work but mostly its has to be done on those days I don't work. On other news I have many reviews planned already and I will be posting those starting tomorrow 

thanks for following my blog I love reading all your comments they always make me really happy.

                       as always , Carol


  1. Hey Carol. I've been a bit overwhelmed with work, school, and blogging myself. Best advice? Make sure you are still having fun reading. When it starts to feel like a chore, it won't be as exciting.

    Sorry for going on about my 2 cents. Hope you get used to your new work schedule soon.

  2. thanks for the advice Missie. I actually took yesterday to just relax and unwind and so today I felt ready to write a review. Your right I have to have fun doing this after all that's the whole reason I started blogging. thanks for your comment

    as always ♥, Carol


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